Here we have put together a list of Frequently Asked Questions you may have about Serenity and our services. If your question is not answered, do not hesitate to contact us.
What geographic areas do you cover?
- We provide service to St. John's, Mt. Pearl and surrounding areas.
Are you government licensed?
- Yes, since 1996. Serenity Nursing and Home Support Services Ltd. is licensed by Eastern Health. Every year, a representative visits us to review our policies and procedures to ensure we meet government standards.
Are you locally owned?
- Yes we are. the company was started in 1996 by Elizabeth and Doug Jones and continues to be run by the Jones family.
What training do your employees receive?
- All home support workers are required to have a HSW training certificate or complete a 12 module training program with our agency. In-service training is also offered on a regular basis.
Is Serenity Nursing and Home Support Services Ltd., licensed, bonded and insured?
- All of Serenity's staff are required to provide a record of conduct through the local Police Department. We cover all employees through liability insurance and worker's compensation.
How do I start services?
- Contact us. Our Coordinator will be happy to discuss your needs and how we can help.
How quickly can services be provided?
- Usually service can begin within 24-48hrs.
Will I get the same Care Giver every time?
- Consistency is important to our clients, and to us at Serenity. We strive to provide consistent, quality care with workers that are acceptable to our clients.
Are home care services covered by insurance/ DVA?
- DVA and insurance companies do cover Home Care but it would be wise to check your policy to see exactly what and how much your policy covers.
What are Serenity's Hours of Operation?
- Our office hours are 8am - 4pm Monday to Friday. For emergencies, a representative is available after hours and can be reached at (709)685-9948.